The Basics of Malware

The Basics of Malware

Malware, a general term for malicious software, is any kind of software that can damage your devices and alter or steal your data. While computers have become more complicated and impressive over the years, this complexity applies to malicious programs, too. But how dangerous is malware, and how does it usually work? Here are the … Read more

Shopify Reveals That Employees Stole Customer Data from Merchants

Shopify Employees Stole Customer Data from Merchants

Shopify, a leading eCommerce platform reveals an incident where two “rogue” employees stole data from fewer than 200 merchants in a breach that might have exposed customer emails, names, and order information. Probably, no payment card numbers and other billing information were exposed. It’s important to mention that in a security sense, it’s not a … Read more

GoDaddy Confirms Data Breach – 28000 Customers Affected

GoDaddy Confirms Data Breach

GoDaddy, one of the most famous domain registrar and hosting companies out there, have notified its customers about security issues and data leakage they have experienced: The media have reported that the problem affected all 19 million customers of the company, and the incident took place in the fall of 2019. However, The Register reports … Read more